Tuesday, 8 May 2018

Term 2 Outline

Dear Parents,

Welcome back to Term 2! This term we are also lucky enough to welcome Miss Renae Papalia, who will be here for the whole term on her final teaching practice. 

This term our class will be having a major focus on resilience as part of the Health Curriculum. We have a series of fun, engaging lessons that will allow students to demonstrate strategies they have learnt to become more resilience, as this is a crucial life skills.

On top of our every day Literacy Program this term we are going to have a strong push on Reading Comprehension. There is a very big difference between simply reading text on a page and then having a deeper understanding and knowledge of what you are actually reading.  

Below I have outlined the concepts to be covered this term. 


- Extending our Persuasive and Narrative writing by using VCOP and developing more detailed sentences using more sophisticated vocabulary.

- Experiment with more complex punctuation such as commas and speech marks. 
- Reading comprehension skills and reading longer more difficult texts
- Investigating different areas of grammar such as nouns, pronouns, adjectives, adverbs
- Spelling a range of new sight words and learning the Year 2 Phonics Sounds

- Column addition and subtraction with and without regrouping
- Mental addition an subtraction strategies
- Counting by 2, 3, 5,10s and learning the relevant timetables to go with these facts
- Multiplication and division sums
- Measurement including mass, capacity, length and volume
- Reading and interpreting a range of graphs and maps
- 2D and 3D Shapes

- Earth and Space Science - resources in the world and the water cycle
This term the Super Scientist competition will be running once again throughout the whole school. More information will be coming out about this in the next few weeks, but I would encourage you to start thinking of an experiment with your child that they could present to the class. Just something simple, under 5 minutes and one that they can clearly explain teh Science behind.

History and Social Studies HASS
- History - past and present toys, technology, transport and every day items

- CHAT Program which focuses on building Resilience.

Thank you so much for your continued support through out the year. Once again if you have any questions or queries please feel free to come and see me. 

Kind regards,

Mrs Caris Szczepanik

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