Sunday 22 July 2018

ICT Skills Year 2 Checklist

Our class has started learning many important computer and word processing skills, to enhance our ICT knowledge and capabilities. As mentioned in a previous post, next year students will be sitting NAPLAN online. Therefore, it is crucial they have developed a sound understanding of the keyboard, word processing skills and basic ICT skills. This is not only important for NAPLAN, but for life in general, especially in this technology rich time.

Below I have attached the Year 2 Skills Checklist that we will be working on throughout this term, so you can also reinforce these skills at home. This checklist relates to the use of Microsoft Word. If you don’t have this program at home, I encourage you to just practise getting familiar with the keyboard and knowing where the letters and numbers are. On the school blog (down the left side, towards the bottom) there are a list of typing websites and games that your child can also use to practise keyboard familiarisation at home.

In Term Four, we will be moving on from Word and focusing more on creating PowerPoints.

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