Monday, 19 March 2018


This term in Science, we are focusing on everything to do with Biological Sciences. So far we have identified what makes something living or non-living, discussed what living things need to stay alive and looked at food chains. This term we will also be investigating life cycles.  To get an understanding of what plants need to grow and survive, we planted broad beans. We are responsible for watering them, keeping them safe from harm and making sure they get enough sun light. Each week we record our observations and measure our plant stem and roots. It has been a great Mathematics activity. Mrs S put a broad bean in the cupboard, away from sunlight. You will never believe it, but the bean still grew just above the soil. Plants don’t need sunlight while they are under the soil. It is only once the plant is visible that sunlight affects it. How cool is that!

Have a look at some of our broad bean plants already.

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