Sunday, 19 August 2018

Science Week

Last week, our school participated in Science Week, thanks to Mr Sanderson’s fantastic organisation skills and love of all things Science! Our class got to participate in a fun Science Assembly run by Mr Sanderson. We got to see lots of mini experiments happen and learnt lots of interesting Science facts. We even got to see Mr Sanderson cover Mrs Szczepanik in snow and nearly tip water all over her. It was so funny!

On Wednesday afternoon, we participated in Science Tabloids with all of the Year Twos. We got to do three experiments. We did Exploding Bags with Mrs Szczepanik, Rain Cloud in a Jar with Miss Gerace and Float or Sink Plasticine Boats with Miss Wright! We had the best afternoon ever. Not only did we learn how to conduct these experiments, but we learnt the Science behind them.

Our class has decided that Science rocks!

Cross Country

Congratulations to all the super star students of Room 16 who ran in the Cross Country on Friday! You did an amazing job at not giving up and pushing through when it got hard. We couldn't be prouder of you.

Special congratulations to Kyan who came 1st and Monet who came 2nd. Wonderful effort by all. 

Tuesday, 14 August 2018

Book Week Speaking and Listening Task

Next week, we are celebrating Book Week. You will need to give a 3 - 5 minute oral presentation that encourages other students to LOVE reading. Your presentation needs to be both engaging and informative. Good luck!

You may choose to speak about:
  • Your favourite book - fiction or non-fiction
  • Your favourite character
  • Your favourite author
  • Your favourite book genre
  • Anything to do with books!

Please bring your book to help with your presentation or even a picture of your book.

This task is to be presented during Week 6 of this term so you have one week to practise. A roster is included below. The marking rubric is pictured below too.

Some things I want to see are:
  • A clearly rehearsed and practised speech
  • Eye contact and looking at all the members of the class
  • Nice clear voice that uses lots of tone and expression
  • Not too many pauses or using um

Please mark this date on your calendar at home, and remember to prepared for your talk.

If you require further information do not hesitate to ask.

Kind regards,

Mrs Szczepanik

Week 6


Tuesday, 31 July 2018

Drug and Emergency Education

This term, our class is focusing on Drug and Emergency Education, as part of our Health Program.

The main areas of focus are:
1. Medications - safe storage and safe use
2. Making safer decisions around medications and who can administer medications
3. People who can help us in an emergency and understanding what an emergency is
4. Calling 000
5. Practising dealing with an emergency

All of the above focus areas help the students to become more healthy, safe and active within the community. Following on from the above topics, towards the end of the term, students will participate in an incursion from the Life Education Van. This will reinforce all of the above concepts and be a fantastic way to end this unit of learning. More information about this will be provided later on in the term.

Our next lesson is about calling 000. It is vital that all students know their full name and how it is spelled, their date of birth, home address and home phone or mobile number of a parent or guardian. For this to happen students are required to complete the below sheet which they will be given a copy of and return it to class by Monday 6th of August.

Thank you for your ongoing support,
Mrs Caris Szczepanik

Geography Homework

In Geography this term, the Year 2 students will be focussing on the topic of ‘What a Wonderful World’. This will require students to explore their understanding of places in the world, how to locate them on a map and how they have connections to different places around the world.
During this unit of work, the students will be given opportunities to enhance their ICT skills by researching and producing a typed report about their chosen country. The report will be researched and completed during computer time at school.

To choose a country, we are asking students to discuss with their families the connections they have to places around the world.
These connections could be:
·         Where they were born
·         Where their parents were born
·         Where their grandparents were born
·         Where they have been on holiday
We would then like the students to show these connections on a world map. The below image shows an example of this.

We would like the completed map to be returned to school by the end of week 3 (3/8/2018).

Your help with this activity will be greatly appreciated.
If you have any questions, please see your classroom teacher.

Kind regards,
Year 2 Teaching Team

Sunday, 22 July 2018

ICT Skills Year 2 Checklist

Our class has started learning many important computer and word processing skills, to enhance our ICT knowledge and capabilities. As mentioned in a previous post, next year students will be sitting NAPLAN online. Therefore, it is crucial they have developed a sound understanding of the keyboard, word processing skills and basic ICT skills. This is not only important for NAPLAN, but for life in general, especially in this technology rich time.

Below I have attached the Year 2 Skills Checklist that we will be working on throughout this term, so you can also reinforce these skills at home. This checklist relates to the use of Microsoft Word. If you don’t have this program at home, I encourage you to just practise getting familiar with the keyboard and knowing where the letters and numbers are. On the school blog (down the left side, towards the bottom) there are a list of typing websites and games that your child can also use to practise keyboard familiarisation at home.

In Term Four, we will be moving on from Word and focusing more on creating PowerPoints.

Student Councillors Semester Two

Huge congratulations to Room 16’s new Student Councillors, Laylah and Heidi! You have shown outstanding responsibility, respect and care to all those around you. You always contribute to class discussions and make meaningful contributions. It is these qualities that will make you the perfect representatives for our class. We can’t wait to see what great ideas you take to the Student Council meetings.

A huge thanks to Mitchell and Bella, our Semester One Student Councillors, for their impressive leadership throughout their role. We are so proud of you and the way you represented our class! Well done to you both.