week, our school participated in Science Week, thanks to Mr Sanderson’s fantastic
organisation skills and love of all things Science! Our class got to
participate in a fun Science Assembly run by Mr Sanderson. We got to see lots
of mini experiments happen and learnt lots of interesting Science facts. We
even got to see Mr Sanderson cover Mrs Szczepanik in snow and nearly tip water
all over her. It was so funny!
Wednesday afternoon, we participated in Science Tabloids with all of the Year
Twos. We got to do three experiments. We did Exploding Bags with Mrs
Szczepanik, Rain Cloud in a Jar with Miss Gerace and Float or Sink Plasticine
Boats with Miss Wright! We had the best afternoon ever. Not only did we learn
how to conduct these experiments, but we learnt the Science behind them.
class has decided that Science rocks!